Blue briefcase
64 x 64
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Blue briefcase
64 x 64

More Icons from 'Super Mono Reflection'

All Icon Sets by Double-J designs

Social Media Balloons
Origami Colored Pencil
Valentine Gift: Chocolate Hearts
Xmas Festival
Xmas Sticker
Super Mono Basic
Super Mono Reflection
Super Mono Stickers
Handy BW
Handy Color


Super Mono Icon Set
by Double-J Design (
Product Name: Super Mono
Product Type: Icon Set
Quantity: 1728 Icons
File Format: PNG
License Type: Free, Standard and Extended

This product may be used for free for personal and commerical use
subject to the agreement to following license information. Any purchase
of licenses must be made on Double-J Design website

All logos of Adobe application belong to Adobe.

License Infomation
1. Free License (Creative Common 3.0 Attribution)
Licensee is granted a non-exclusive, non-transferrable license
to use the Work, for personal, commercial, and client projects.
Licensee MUST attribute the work in the manner specified by the
Licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse
you or your use of the work).

2. Standard License (Price: GBP 20.00)
Licensee is granted a non-exclusive, non-transferrable license
to use the Work, royalty free, for personal, commercial, and
client projects, including advertising, web design, software
application, multimedia design, film, video, and computer games.
Licensee may not use the Work in projects that it intends to
sell or distribute.

3.Extended License (Price: GBP 75.00)
Licensee who has obtained an Extended license has a non-exclusive,
non-transferrable rights to use the Work for in the course of its
business and to otherwise copy, make and use the Work in its own
products that it intends to sell or distribute.

Thank you for using our products and enjoy.

Double-J Design

20 out of 2,044 icons related by tags: Blue, Briefcase