Usage Guidelines
Icon SetVacation

Diver, Diving, Flippers

Diver diving flippers
16 x 16
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Available in 5 Sizes

Diver diving flippers
256 x 256
Diver diving flippers
128 x 128
Diver diving flippers
48 x 48
Diver diving flippers
32 x 32
Diver diving flippers
16 x 16

More Icons from 'Vacation'

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Green Emoticons
Olympic Icon Set
Must Have
422 Windows 8 Icons (Metro Style)


These icons are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.

License in short.

The icons are free for personal use and also free for commercial use, but we require linking to our web site If you don't want to place a link, purchase them for $49 per set.

For the websites we require linking from all pages where the icons are used. Please put the link in the footer if the icons are used on each page.

For the desktop software we require linking from About dialog.

Full text of a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.

You are free:

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17 out of 17 icons related by tags: Diver, Diving, Flippers