Usage Guidelines
LicenseFree for commercial use (Link to author) (Readme.txt)
Skype box social white
128 x 128
Download pngico

Available in 8 Sizes

Skype box social white
512 x 512
Skype box social white
256 x 256
Skype box social white
128 x 128
Skype box social white
64 x 64
Skype box social white
48 x 48
Skype box social white
32 x 32
Skype box social white
24 x 24
Skype box social white
16 x 16

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# #
# YOOtheme Free License #
# Terms and Conditions #
# #
# #

All icons of this download package are published under the
Free License of the YOOtheme GmbH.

The Free License means that you can use the icons for personal,
commercial and client projects. This includes software,
web services, templates, themes, advertisements and videos.

If you use the icons in products you redistribute like software,
templates and themes you must attribute the work by giving
credits to: YOOtheme,

It is not allowed to resell, sub-license, assign, or transfer
the icons to anyone.

It is not permitted to put this icon package in a modified or
changed or even unmodified version on a disk, website, P2P or
any other medium and make them available in a downloadable

If you enjoy these icons please feel free to Twitter, Digg or
recommend the icons on

20 out of 2,572 icons related by tags: Skype, Box, Social, White