Usage Guidelines
Icon SetPhone icons

Phone, Green

Phone green
32 x 32
Download pngico

Available in 8 Sizes

Phone green
512 x 512
Phone green
256 x 256
Phone green
128 x 128
Phone green
96 x 96
Phone green
64 x 64
Phone green
48 x 48
Phone green
32 x 32
Phone green
24 x 24

More Icons from 'Phone icons'

All Icon Sets by Cemagraphics

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Anyone who wishes to use the icons are free to use them. But I have some reservations;

I don' t tolerate using any kind of illegal and bad activity (example; porn, warez, hacking, anti-religion, racism, etc).
Also If that's possible, I just want to see your final work.

Thank you for your interest ...

20 out of 1,644 icons related by tags: Phone, Green