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Icon SetBasic Set 2

Queen, Royal, Woman, User

Queen royal woman user
32 x 32
Download pngico

Available in 4 Sizes

Queen royal woman user
64 x 64
Queen royal woman user
48 x 48
Queen royal woman user
32 x 32
Queen royal woman user
16 x 16

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Basic Set 2
Basic Set


Иконки бесплатны для некоммерческого использования.
При коммерческом использовании иконок, вы можете купить их на или пользоваться бесплатно со ссылкой на


42 icons for the GUI and web design in sizes 64x64, 48x48, 32x32 and 16x16. Formats: Win, Mac OS and Png. The icons are free for noncommercial use. For commercial use of icons, you can buy them or use the free of charge, with link to

20 out of 1,373 icons related by tags: Queen, Royal, Woman, User