Usage Guidelines
LicenseFree for non commercial use (Readme.txt)
Wheel settings gear cog preferences
128 x 128
Download pngico

Available in 7 Sizes

Wheel settings gear cog preferences
256 x 256
Wheel settings gear cog preferences
128 x 128
Wheel settings gear cog preferences
64 x 64
Wheel settings gear cog preferences
48 x 48
Wheel settings gear cog preferences
32 x 32
Wheel settings gear cog preferences
24 x 24
Wheel settings gear cog preferences
16 x 16

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Title:"Pretty office icon part 2"

All the icons contained in this archive free for non-commercial use.
If you like them just visit the website ""
They can be given out provided that they are neither altered
Not separated from this "Read me" file and from a reference
to the site "".

Artwork by

20 out of 676 icons related by tags: Wheel, Settings, Gear, Cog, Preferences