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Elegant Themes Icons
Elegant Social Media


I needed a few icons for a new theme I am designing, and after being unable to find any open-source/restriction free icons that suited the theme, I resorted to creating some of my own. After I started making them I figured, why not create a whole set? So I sat down all day yesterday and drew a set of basic web icon to be used here at ElegantThemes. Now that I have a decent collection I have decided to release them for free, so hopefully next time someone is looking for some stock icons to use in their commercial project they will have to look no further! These icons are restriction-free. Feel free to use and abuse them, redistribute them, resell them, or anything else you can think of. If you like them, then thank me by linking to this blog post Officially these icons are dual licensed under the GPL and MIT licenses.

The pack includes 74 48

20 out of 350 icons related by tags: Clock