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LicenseGPL (Readme.txt)
Icon SetOpen Phone

Safari, Compass, Brower, Browser

Safari compass brower browser
128 x 128
Download pngico

Available in 2 Sizes

Safari compass brower browser
256 x 256
Safari compass brower browser
128 x 128

More Icons from 'Open Phone'

All Icon Sets by Walrick

Open Phone


openPhone v1

After a long time without deviations, I am back with this release.
I made some icons inspirated on the new iPhone, but I found out there are lots of similar works.
So I thought my icons would be more useful if I released the source. And here we are. I hope they
can be useful for you.

I made these icons on Illustrator and exported the layers to Photoshop (.PSD).


By walrick,

20 out of 427 icons related by tags: Safari, Compass, Brower, Browser